Sunday, April 15, 2012

2012-04-14 The Maze, Roxy's Back Walkover!

Aiysha: Mullaloo beach in autumn is amazing! There is a sand bar which we walk out to and play games, like trying to get Daddy in, but we haven't been able to do that yet! The council have also built a new new lookout so Roxy and I love going up to and doing gymnastics!

We did a massive tidy of the games room, and it is unrecognisable now! It is so empty, and we can actually do gymnastics in there now.

Mummy and Daddy are in the middle of renovating the lounge, and it looks different. Mummy has done most of the work - she's done well!

Went to Martina's party, which was a sleepover with Kiera, Yasmin, and Hannah. It was good fun, and I got to splat Dad with a water bomb when he dropped me off. The next day we went to another party at Di's - we thought the pool was going to be too cold, but we went into the hot spa and just had to cool off - it was really funny, and Roxy and I played on the trampoline all afternoon too!

Last Sunday we went to The Maze - it was really funny, and they had about 4 different mazes, which we had a go at. Daddy and I finally did the big wooden one, which was really funny. We also had a quiz to do - we had to find numbers around The Maze using clues - some we had real trouble finding, especially the one on the frisbee course.

We had our school swimming, and I jumped from Level 9 to Level 11! I was so proud, and Mummy and Daddy came to watch me!

We also went to the Swan Valley, had a lovely lunch in a Winery, went to the chocolate factory for erm, chocolate and cakes, and we also went to a museum - we had the whole place to ourselves, it was pretty spooky! Got some great pictures though!

Clara: Daddy came into school for our Easter day, and he had to dance, help out with activities and stay for fruit. It was really funny. I also got free stuff from Officeworks! Wow!

Over Easter we went down to Fremantle - Mummy thought there was a street carnival there, but it was actually the following day - silly Mummy. It was still good fun though - we got to have fish and chips at Joe's Fish Shack (we took a photo of Little Creatures for Auntie Lizzie), some ice cream (and waffle), and walked around the Fremantle. At one point, we came across the two pink aliens - one of them climbed onto Daddy and he walked around with him on his back, and Aiysha and I got a bit upset. Mummy thought it was funny, and so did a lot of people.

I went to Georgia's party too - we had a bouncy castle, tranpoline, won musical bobs. I love parties!

Claire and Georgia also came for a play in our pool!

Aiysha's taught me how to do a back walkover (with her help)! I am so proud! I am so thankful to Aiysha I bought her a new top! Thank you Aiysha!

C: Our lounge is so close - just the floors. How could I get the street party day wrong! Doh!

S: Computer Crash - oh dear. Went with James to see Western Force lose to Warratahs 23-18, lovely noodles at What The Pho!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

2012-03-27 Nick, Harmony, Triathlon, Writing

Aiysha: Nick came over from the UK to Australia, and had to come to Perth for a few days with his work, so he came to stay with us! It was great fun, and great to see him, even though it was a little wierd seeing him without his green trousers! We went to Botanical Golf with him, and had some lovely dinners with him. We kept on taking pictures to send back to Lizzie! Funny!

I finally had my Triathlon - I really enjoyed it, and I managed to complete it without stopping. We did it at Hillary's, and we swam for 200m, did a bike ride for about 2km and ran 500m bike. It felt tough at the time, but really glad I did it, and I do fancy doing another one! After, we went to see who won the lucky draw, and I won a bike! It was a little small, so I decided to give it to Roxy. We gave Lauren and Carolyn and her friend a lift home as they parked where all the athletes were.

We had a Harmony Day, and as part of the choir I had to sing in the assembly - I didn't mind, but there was one footy song I really did not like! I also did a little reading about the Harmony Day that I didn't expect at all. Mummy and Daddy came to see me!

Roxy: I won a prize for my neat writing from Mrs Tombs! I was so proud!

C: I've started with the lounge - it is going to look amazing!

S: So proud of Aiysha!

2012-03-12 Jacobs Ladder, BBQ & BLT!

Aiysha: We had the Harveys and the Shepherds over for a BBQ! It was great fun - we played loads of games, on the playstation and in the pool. They stayed for ages, and in the end Joseph and Luke stayed the night since they fell asleep watching TV!

We started our Netball coaching, which goes on for 4 weeks with a proper coach. On our first session people were - feinting (Andra and Svia) and vomiting (Tiana)! Me and Lauren were fine.

Daddy and I decided to go to Jacobs Ladder for part of my Triathlon training. We did 4 up and downs, and it was hard. Loads of people there, but so glad I did it! Went back home for pancakes!

Clara: I love playing poison waves at the beach! It is so funny!

We are still watching Biggest Loser Tele (BLT). I know all the names of the contestants and what team they are on! Funny!

C: Out with girls at MBH!

S: Beach in Sunday evening - amazing!

2012-02-27 Lauren Sleepover!

Aiysha: We were meant to have a BBQ with the Harveys and the Shepherds this weekend, but Nicks brother is here, so we postponed it to next week. Lauren still came for a sleepover, and it was the best! We even had a night swim!

We played catchy, played teachers, built a cubby, went to Hillarys, stayed up a bit later, and we actually spent some time looking at the blog too. We tried to find pictures of Lauren when she was young - it was funny seeing all our old pictures.

Clara: I love Lauren when she sleeps over - she looks after me so well, and I get so excited!

C: Wow, 3 day working week this week!

S: Went out for my first windsurfing session this weekend, and the guy told me it was the end of the season :-(

2012-02-19 I AM 5!

Clara: Wow, it's birthday and Aiysha is letting me write first in this blog! Wahoo!

Even though my birthday was on a Tuesday, I had such a special day! Daddy came to be Daddy helper, and I behaved really well for him. He did lots of funny things, and had fun with everyone! It is great that he is learning about who all my friends are! He even did the Tony Chestnut song. I got awarded a sticker while Daddy was there, and I also knew what an ellipsis was when no one else knew! I was very proud.

I had a really fun birthday. I invited my closest friends over for some games and a swim - Claire Bossett Hound, Georgia Pinchcliffe, Matilda, Maddie and Summer. It was so much fun. Mummy set up loads of games - we played pass the parcel, pin the tail on the donkey, had loads of snacks, and went in the pool and played games with Daddy. It was the best!

We started a smiley faces chart for being brave when Mummy goes to work. I am trying so hard!

Aiysha: We went cycling with the Harveys and at the beach! We cycled round Wannaroo, and stopped at Botanical golf. It was part of our Triathlon training, but it was great fun going with the Harveys! Roxy found it hard, but she made it all the way back - I am very proud of her!

We started going to the beach during the week - it is such a nice thing to do. We do it especially when Daddy is at home on Wednesdays - we love it!

Doin a smiley faces for chores and training - I asked to do it, and we will how long I can keep it up - hmmmm, not sure...

C: I love running at the beach now!

S: Beach during the week and stone fruit! A wonderful combination!

Monday, April 09, 2012

2012-02-06 Triathlon Training!

Aiysha: I have entered a Triathlon with Lauren. Not sure what age group or how far we have to swim/cycle/run, but Joe is entering a different one and I think ours is a little harder - we will see.

Well, I'm really keen to train, so I'm going jogging on the beach with Mummy, Daddy and Roxy (Saturday mornings) - some jobs, some interval running, and some sprints. I am also doing some cycling and some swimming, as well as my gymnastics and some tennis (on a court and against a wall) aswell! I'm going to be pretty fit! I am glad to be back doing gymnastics though!

Hannah had her birthday part at Challenge Stadium, and Mummy took me. We had a great time, and I jumped off the second highest platform! Scary stuff!

I have started writing with a pen and NOT a pencil! I am so excited about that, and it means I'm growing up!

Clara: Mummy came to be my parent helper this week! I loved it!

C: Running on the beach is so nice. Meeting at the beach in the middle of the week is amazing!

S: Finally put some planks down on our loft!

2012-01-30 Back In Australia!

Aiysha: We arrived back in Perth on Wednesday night at about 11pm, and it was sooooo hot! We were up having toast and enjoying the heat until about 2pm. It was fun!

On Thursday Daddy didn't have to go to work as it was Australia Day, so we were busy unpacking, re-organising the house, and then we dived in our pool which was a lovely 31 degrees! It was so nice.

Mummy and Daddy started taking things out of the shed ready for the junk collection - both Grandpa Brian and Grandpa Arthur would be very proud.

On Saturday, I went to Will's party, which was a pool party, and went back to gym - I was so happy. It was a great day.

On Sunday we spent most of the day clearing out the sheds, well, Mummy and Daddy were. Clara and I played teachers, which was really fun. Daddy and I went to play tennis, but I need more practice, and it was pretty hot.

On Monday, Mummy had to go to school, and Clog and I went to the movies with the Shepherds and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks, which was cool. Not as good as Harry Potter though.

We had TV dinners all weekend, which was funny. We watched Slumdog Millionaire and Oceans. I loved them both. Not as good as Harry Potter though. Sweet sauce chicken, Arthurs Beef and moon noodles - yummy!

School lists were out today, I am in a class with Lauren and Kiera, the two people at the top of my list! I am with a split year 4 class, but Danielle and Florry are in the same class, so it will be very funny. I also get the same teacher for 2 years in a row - Mrs Cleaver (Miss Giles). I am glad about that.

The biggest loser has started. Yippee!

Clara: The pool was great! I love swimming in our pool. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping, so I am keeping Mummy awake. Mosquitoes love me too, and I have a hundred million thousand bites!

I am in a class with Harry, Georgia and Claire! I am so happy! I am not with Mrs Radford though, which is a shame.

C: Wow, it is so nice to be hot again!

S: Clearing the shed - finally! Clearing 60 Woodmarket must have had an impact...

2012-01-24 Week 5 - Our Last Week In England

Aiysha: Well, this week our family separated. Mummy, Roxy and I went down with Grandma and Grandpa to Auntie Jenny and Uncle Bill's house to see Great Grandma and ride horses!

Grandad went into hospital to have a pace maker put in to help his heart, which was pretty lucky since he we getting very worried. He went in the night before we left. The funniest thing was Uncle Dave left on the train the day before, and literally had to come straight back! Very funny, but lucky to be able to say goodbye to him though.

Clara: It was the best day. Mummy said it was raining and it was horrible, but I thought it was the best day ever! By a hundred million thousand!!

C: So nice to see Grandma again at Jenny's. Myra also drove up one afternoon with Grandma.

S: Visited Dave Podge for 2 nights in Rotherham - what a laugh. We went for walks, ate loads (including a lovely pork belly), I made them dinner, watched The Inbetweeners Movie, chatted loads, fixed computers and looked at new iMacs. Went bowling one night (which we almost didn't make as we were too busy), which was such a laugh with everyone.

We visited Bakewell, and Dave bought what looked like 2 identical cakes - 'The Original' Bakewell Tart and Bakewell Pudding. Jude and I ribbed him all afternoon about them being the same. In the end we had to apologise - they were very different, and both so nice we finished them in one night!

They all looked so well. Bill had just been accepted into his 6th form college, and Amy was studying at play learning at uni.

Had a visit from some of Dad's old cricket friends from Hong Kong - Bob Soames, and Mike Womersley - very nice to see them looking well, and still got on very well.

Predator - what a bad film. Nice last meal at the chinese with Dave and Mum though, shame Dad could not join us, as he only had hospital food.

Still raining when we left Willoghby...