Clara: We had such an awesome time at Adventure World this year! Seems like we go every year on Christmas Eve, but this year it was perfect. We went on all the water rides we liked, had lots of snacks, and Daddy got to go on The Abyss twice! He really enjoyed that. He spent all day trying to get Hannah, Aiysha and me to go on it, but we all refused. He even tried to ask Mummy, but she got annoyed with him. Daddy even got told off for wearing a necklace on one of the slides! My favourite ride was The Tunnel of Terror - it was really scary! The weather was perfect all day, and it wasn't too hot or too cold. We got to have ice creams and donuts too, and Aiysha had a chance to do some gymnastics. Hannah, Aiysha and I went to the baby part for a while, which was fun, although it was closed for a bit because someone did a naughty accident in the baby pool. Ew!
An amazing thing happened to Smokey last week. He lost his two front teeth! Annalise said she had only ever seen this in one other rabbit, and is not common at all! Now that they have fallen out, he is so much happier! We were worried that someone had dropped him, but they hadn't. Phew!
I can't believe it is the end of Year 2! I loved it, and I am going to miss Mrs. Bruce so much - she was great, and so kind!
On the last Friday, I had to go with Daddy to all his meetings - it was pretty fun, and I got to tell him off a couple of times. We went to Leapfrogs where I met Julian's family Duyen and MJ, and we went round playing mini-golf. It was fun!
Aiysha: We met Hannah pretty much straight away, and we had such a fun time with her. It was funny when she beat Daddy at the mats race. She almost went on the Abyss with Daddy, but in the end she was smart and said no. I love going on Christmas Eve, it was not that crowded, and was so much fun! I especially like the donuts :-)
This year was great, and I am pretty happy with how things went. I was pretty sad to miss the last couple of days of school and miss the parties, but this week was fun being of school while some of my friends and Roxy were at school. A lot of me time!
Casey also came over for a sleep over, which was loads of fun! We watched Source Code, a Daddy movie, and it was actually quite good! Casey and I went shopping the next day too at Lakeside while Roxy went with Daddy to his meetings - funny! I'm glad I didn't!
Duyen and MJ came round while Daddy has his meeting with Julian, and we went into the pool - MJ is sooooo cute! She was funny!
C: I love The Tunnel of Terror too Rox!
S: Ah! The Abyss! Amazing fun! Bit lonely though :-(