Monday, October 09, 2006

2006-10-09 Barbie!

A: We had 3 barbecues this weekend! It was brilliant! I ate so much food Mummy and Daddy was so proud of me!

Mummy made up my new pink and white furniture for my room, and it looks amazing! I am now so organised, and it should be a lot easier to tidy my room!

On Saturday, Daddy and Mummy did some reading with me, and I got upset with Daddy. He was trying to make me spell, then read words, and not helping me! After I cried a bit, I tried harder, and did some really good reading! The next time I do some reading, I will not get upset. I do need to practice more. We went to a floor shop to pick a new floor for the new baby's room - Mummy and Daddy could not agree, and so we took some planks back home to see, and then they found the perfect colour. It may be laid by next weekend! We went to Joondalup for shopping, and I got a new pair of sandals. We then had lunch in the shopping centre, which was very strange as it wasn't Dim Sim, and then we did our grocery shopping after Daddy got his hair cut. In the afternoon I chose to got to Trigg, as we haven't been there for a long time, and I fell asleep! Mummy also had a snooze, and Daddy went for a run along the coast in the sunshine. We then went to Trigg, and Mummy went for a walk while Daddy and I made 3 castles with 3 tunnels! We saw some fish in the water too - they seemed to be waving to us with their fins. It was really calm, and the tide was out - it was lovely! We had lovely marinated chicken for dinner - never had it before, and I ate loads. I was so proud that I did not have any cakes and ice-creams that I kept on telling Mummy and Daddy. I got my treat though, tee hee.

On Sunday we did some jobs in the morning as it was sooo windy outside! It was meant to be a hot day, and we were suppose to swim in our pool, but it was too windy and cold. After our jobs we went to swim at Joondalup Leisure Centre, and I went with Daddy on the huge slide 3 times! I also swam on my own around the river so many times! It was so much fun! Mummy came round with us, and the new born did really well swimming round too! A man had his keys stolen from the changing rooms, so we much look after our things there! After our barbie lunch Daddy and I played tennis (where I did running and hitting! I was doing really well!), and then played Boules, where we wrote our names on the balls. I won of course, Daddy needs more practice. Also talked to Lizzie on the phone, but she was interrupting my concentration in Boules! We decided to go to the Bennion for ice-cream and cakes. We then went walking on the rocks at Bennion Beach - it was so calm down at the beach, and it was lovely! We almost stayed for sunset, but had to go home for dinner. Booo! I helped Daddy with teh barbie in the dark, and then was in bed at 8pm! So late!

I grew some beans at Kindy, and I'm so proud of it! Daddy has yet to grow anything! Ha ha!

C: Starting to feel better now, I think. I took some iron, and I managed to swim my lengths! So that is good. It is a relief feeling better, and that it just gets better. now I can enjoy my pregnancy!

S: Aiysha did some brilliant running and hitting! She now is doing some really powerful hitting, and she is enjoying it!

Meals: Barbie Chicken, Barbie Lamb, Barbie Bacon and Eggs

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