Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
2007-12-24 Uncle Dave!
Aiysha: It has been such a fun holiday with Dave here! He was here for 12 days, and we did soooo much! He left today, and I cried, and we were all sad. I could tell Cloggy was sad, even though she was racing around the house with a smile on her face. I said to Daddy that I had such fun, especially playing the 'Yes No' game.
Last week it was so exciting to come home to find him here, and I played with him and talked so much with him! He came to watch my cricket practice, played Ludo with me, helped me draw and colour, and read stories with me. We went to Fremantle for lunch, and I had no idea that Daddy and Dave were going to take me Ice Skating because I had such a good report from school! At first I was a bit careful, but very soon I was going around on my own and even played some of the games! Dave and Naomi (my climbing friend) looked after me, and it was brilliant! Santa even turned up at the end, and I got to sit on his lap, have my picture taken, and got a present! What a day! Mummy also made Dave a birthday cake, which we all thought was lovely! Well done Mummy!
We had a party at Little Muppets, and I got to sit next to Cloggy to eat! It was funny! I got a present from Santa - a piggy bank which I can lock - but Cloggy cried when she sat on Santa's lap. There was a bouncy castle, and lots of food which was not good for me! I loved it! Cloggy waves all the time now to people - she is so clever!
Dave made me laugh so much because Daddy gave him some sweets for his birthday from me, and they were so sour! When he put one in his mouth, he made such a funny face! When I tried one, I did too!
We took turns in choosing our music in the car - I always chose Daddy's songs, which annoyed Dave, and made me laugh...tee hee.
This week we went to Matilda Bay twice. On Friday, Uncle Dave accidentally locked the keys in the car, and we had no way to get home! We tried to ring a taxi, but none would come. So Daddy had to phone his friend James, and he had to go to our house, let himself in, and get our keys, and drive down with them! We were all very grateful, and he even found my thongs on the beach! What a hero! Dave bought him some wine to thank him...
Dave also made dinner a few times for us, which was lovely! I really enjoyed his beef!
On Saturday, we made sure Dave did not touch any keys, and after windsurfing we went for cakes at the cafe, and I played with some little children, and looked after them when they went on the pier - it was fun!
Playing cricket in the garden was fun, and when we went in our pool on Sunday, Chloe visited, and came in too! Daddy kept splashing us, and Uncle Dave joined in too! It was very funny! I also got stung by a bee when Daddy said I could help it out of the water - silly Daddy! Mummy told him off many times...and Uncle Dave joined in...
We opened our presents with Dave after lunch - he got me so much - pen tops, rubbers, a music player, a piggy torch which needs no batteries, and sellotape with pretty pictures on it! He got Cloggy a real piggy bank, and Mummy some lovely washing stuff. Daddy also got a music player, and an origami kit, so I hope he will make me some paper animals! We gave him a CD, a picture of us in our Christmas outfits at the pool, and a new Quicksilver rashie! He was very pleased with that!
Dave and Daddy went windsurfing again for the last time, and Daddy really hurt his leg.
Last night I went out at 7pm with Isabella and her grandparents for dinner - it was so late! Dave sat with me outside as I waited for her, and we had a good talk. I had a lovely time, and I got back at 9.30pm. I was very tired. I had such a nice time though.
Thanks you Dave for coming! I am so looking forward to beating you at the 'Yes No' game! I'm going to miss you!
Cloggy: I love Uncle Dave. He's a funny man. He gave me lots of kisses, and I look forward to the photos he took of me! I love waving to people now. Standing is so easy for me now, I hope to be walking before my birthday! I love playing with balls too, and pretending I'm bouncing them!
C: Dave's visit went so quickly! We were very busy all the time trying to fit everything in!
S: We had such a laugh with Dave! We did so well on GOW2, and everyday we did something wicked! What a packed holiday. Much too short though! He was very pleased with his windsurfing and his wetsuit, although he left his rashie he got for Christmas behind! Ruprect! We had an amazing Christmas dinner last night - crab, garlic shrimps, rice, beansprouts, and chocolate waffle surprise!
We did spoil ourselves, with coffee, cakes, dried pork, mangos, pancakes, sweets, etc. But we earned it...
GOW2 checkpoint: Underworld, with Icarus wings. L1 + XXX, Madusa head, hammer, Joust pole
Thanks for coming, and looking forward to your next visit!
Full Itinery
Wednesday- Dave arrives, moon noodles
Thursday - Lunch at Korean, watch Oldboy, chicken wings, touch rugby - only 6 players, very tough, we drew 7-7
Friday -Finish Oldboy, cricket catching practice
Saturday - Cricket - all groups together, wetsuit, shopping
Sunday - Fremantle lunch, Ice skating, Uncle Dave's Birthday!
Monday - Tennis, wetsuit bodyboarding at Trigg - very windy
Tuesday - Bibulmen Track, blister
Wednesday - Bodyboarding, but too tame at Trigg, tennis, windsurfing in afternoon, pick up girls from Muppets party
Thursday - Work, touch rugby win easy
Friday - Dave brought Aiysha into town, lunch, windsurfing - very blustery, keys in car - James, yes no game
Saturday - Windsurfing - softer wind, cakes, Aiysha looking after kids at Matilda Bay, shopping, market
Sunday - Windsurfing - broken leg, Aiysha dinner with Isabella, Cricket in garden, swimming lesson, pool + Chloe, christmas dinner, GOW, presents, fish market
Monday - Dave leaves
Saturday, December 08, 2007
2007-12-08 Mummy Helper, The Mermaid And The Christmas Concert!
Aiysha: Mummy came to do Parent Helper on Wednesday this week, and she helped everyone in the class make their Christmas Santa hat! She also sat with me on the mat to listen to the stories. I loved ummy coming to school, especially when she can spend all her time with me (Cloggy was at Mupheads), and I was her helper all day!
Today I dressed as a mermaid as it was fancy dress day, and the theme was Underwater. Hannah Morrow was a mermaid with me, and most of the boys dressed up as surfers, and Miss Hayes, the student teacher, dressed up as a life saver in red and yellow! It was really funny. After school, I went to the disco in my new swimming costume that Mummy's friend Gabrielle sent to me. The disco was very funny, and I danced to locomotion and macarena, while Mummy sat on the lawn and watched me.
Last weekend Joseph's Dad Nick dropped off some windsurfing stuff for Daddy, and brought Joseph round! He stayed all afternoon in the pool, and we had such fun attacking Nick, and the Daddy! Joseph was so cold his lips turned blue, but he still carried on swimming - strange boy.
Cricket last Saturday was cold, wet and windy. I was also tired, so I didn't enjoy it much. Daddy had to tell me off for not behaving very well, which I was sad about. However, today was much better, and I did really well after we had some practices during the week! I enjoyed it a lot today, and so did Daddy!
Last Sunday we also went to the beach, but it was too windy that we had to leave after 20 minutes. It was fun though, and we dived in our pool instead.
We had our Christmas Concert this week, and I had to introduce the song 'Jingle, Jangle, Jingle' - Mummy and Daddy thought I was the clearest of all the speakers, which made me proud!
Hannah Morrow came to play yesterday, and we went on the slide an made cakes. It was really fun. Daddy walked us home, and I played at Hannah's for a while as Daddy looked around their house.
My friend Luke who lives near us came on a cycle ride with us today - he was really fast. We went to Neil Hawkins Park and back. He's going to come for a swim tomorrow, and also show us his remote control car again! So funny!
Cloggy: I did a really clever thing this week! I crawled over to the fireplace, stood up, and took one of the tiny firelight candles out of the candle holder, played with it, and then after I finished with it, I put it right back in the candle holder! I think I surprised myself too! I have done a lot of swimming this week, and Mummy and Daddy keep pushing me under the water - it is really funny!
C: Last Friday I went to the house warming of the house Hannah's Mum just bought. Should be fun! Really enjoyed Parent Helper this week - Aiysha behaved so well with me, I was so proud! This Friday I went on a boat with Arafmi, and we parked at Matilda Bay, which was excellent. Lovely being out on a boat at night, but was a bit windy! Finally went out to dinner with Clogger at La Vita in Joondalup - she behaved so well, and it so very amusing! Lovely food!
S: I miss being Parent Helper. It has been really hot here, and our pool has been so nice. Big leaks in our solar pool pump, be we will figure it out one day...
Meals: Curry, Creamy Chicken, Asparagus and Cheese Crepes
Sunday, November 18, 2007
2007-11-18 Summer is here, and so is Cricket!
Aiysha: I have started playing cricket every Saturday morning - I am in the same team as Charlie, Ben, and Jack, and I have met so many people. We play lots of games, but it is still a little disorganised. I think Daddy is going to volunteer to be coach, as our first team coach cannot come anymore. I am in Team 2, which is great fun!
I went to Cooper's party today at High Flyers - I love it there, and I think it is the best gym ever!
We had a really relaxing morning today, and I did some artwork.
We went strawberry picking yesterday, and I didn't fall asleep again like last time. Unfortunately, we had a really hot day this week (40 degrees), and it has killed the strawberries. It may be the last couple of weeks of the season because of it, which is such a shame, as I love pancakes and strawberries! So does Cloggy!
The last 2 weeks I have jumped into our pool several times! It is lovely! Still a bit cold, but yesterday it was 29 degrees! It is going to get so much warmer, and Mummy and Daddy are looking to fix the solar heating in the pool! I can't wait to have some pool parties! It is so exciting! Mummy bought me some new flipflops too which I tried out in the pool yesterday - Daddy kept on throwing them to the deep end - not funny Daddy!
Cloggy: MMMmmmm, strawberries and pancakes! Everyone is trying to make me crawl everywhere! Little do they know that I love it, and I love putting my hand in door hinges, and squeezing my fingers under doors, and down plugs, and eating grass! I'm not looking forward to diving into the pool though - seems a bit bigger than my bath...
C: What a shame about the strawberries!
S: Summer is finally here, and it is lovely! A full week of hot sunshine! Coaching cricket should be very interesting...
Meals: First steak in over a year! We can't work out why! Lasagne, garlic prawns
2007-11-08 We Are Australian Citizens Today!
Aiysha: Well, almost! Mummy picked me up early from school with Cloggy, and we all went on the train to town to get interviewed by the Government! It was scary! Daddy met us there, and it was really hot! Daddy had his interview first, and he said he answered all the questions. When Mummy was asked, she didn't know the answers to a couple of questions, and laughed - she makes me laugh, Mummy does! The lady was really nice, and she told us about the ceremony which may happen in June. The lady didn't ask me too many questions, but I said thank you to her, and she gave me a poster about the Australian Pledge, with lots of animals on it - something I can do for my news.
We are not citizens until the ceremony :-( I can't wait!
Daddy took me for ice-cream, which was too sticky and too hot to eat. Then we went looking for Mummy because we lost her. We then took the train home.
Cloggy: I'm already a citizen! Ha ha!
C: The printout I had was an old one, and they asked me different questions! Thats not fair!
S: I knew all the answers off by heart! I'm a very proud citizen!
2007-10-31 Halloween & Snakes
Aiysha: It has been so busy for all of us since Mummy went back to work, I haven't had time to tell Daddy what to write, but I'll see if I can remember what happened up till Halloween!
I remember going to Tristan's party at High Flyers - that was so much fun, and Mummy promised that she will register me. In fact, I have gone there again today for Cooper's party! Mummy will ask about me joining!
I think mummy sent Grandma a picture of the Carnival we went to - I got to hold a snake, I went horse riding, I went on a tractor ride, and finally bouncy castle! It was also free! We don't know why, but it was funny! Mummy and Daddy were laughing at someone holding a balloon in a funny way - I don't know why, silly ones!
I made a new friend last week - his name is Luke, and he is always on his bike on Ridge Close. He is a lot older than me, but we get on really well! Daddy asked if he would like to come with us on Halloween, and he liked that!
Daddy and Mummy went to my friend Joseph's place to look at a windsurfer for Daddy, and it was really funny! We stayed for such a long time that we almost forgot to feed Cloggy! Poor Cloggy, but I had fun!
We invited Tiana and Lauren to come round and go on our water slide in our garden, as well as bake some cakes. They loved the water slide, and we stayed on it for ages!
Halloween was so funny! Daddy also said my boyfriend Callum could come along, so we picked him up on the way out. We started on View Court, and went to all the houses! We collected so many sweets, even from people we didn't even know! Luke came with us a little later, and so did Callum's sister - we were a little gang, almost like at Abinger Drive with Dale and Jamie. It was so much fun!
Cloggy: I wish I could go Trick or Treating :-(
C: I'm not looking forward to work. The settling in sessions for Clara have not gone as expected, so Daddy is going to check it out to make sure it is ok.
S: Aiysha and Callum are so competitive! They ran everywhere on Halloween! Luke joined us a bit late, and Aiysha liked him so much she gave him several of his sweets - he really appreciated it!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
2007-10-17 Beau, Ben, and Strawberries!
Aiysha: Charlie had a party at Jungle Gym last week - it was during Cloggy's sleep, so Daddy took me. It was brilliant fun! We just jumped on, climbed up, and fell down on anything we liked! We were even allowed to win prizes on some of the activities! I tried to climb the rope right up to the top to ring the bell, but I got stick just before the top by a big knot - I was sad, but tried again and again, but I was too tired. The only person to do it was Callum. We had some party food there, but I didn't eat much of it as it wasn't very nice.
On Sunday, we went to Jill, Michael, Ben and beau's place! It was fantastic! I fed the cows, collected eggs, held rabbits, looked at their new theatre, and ate lots of lovely food! It was such a funny day, and once again, Ben and Beau were so nice to me! I think we're all growing up very quickly! I rode my bike around with Beau - he was very good on his bike, and I was chasing him most of the time.
I met a boy called Luke who rides his bike around our close - I am hoping he will come around with me on Halloween!
We did our first strawberry picking on Sunday! It was amazing! I wasn't feeling too well last weekend, but the strawberries made me feel a whole lot better! Yummy! Grandma Sue would have enjoyed it, although there were a lot of flies. Poor Cloggy, Daddy keeps sticking slices of strawberries on her forehead...
Cloggy: I can now move backwards really well, but when I try to move forward, I feel like I am parachuting! Yeah! Mummy makes me laugh so much when she pretends to be a bird or a dog! She's a funny one!
C: We now planted out lychee tree in the front, so hopefully it will grow really big, and give us free lychees!
S: Can't wait for those lychees to come budding through! And those mangoes...where are those mangoes?
Meals: Mint and Chilli Lamb, Strawberries!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
2007-10-05 The Tooth Fairy, and Daddys Birthday!
Aiysha: The tooth fairy visited me after my first tooth was removed by the nice dentist on Wacky Wednesday last week! I had to dress up in my pyjamas for school, which was lucky as I was in my pyjamas for the dentist, and I even fell asleep in the car on the way home! At the dentist, they put some special glasses on me so I could watch a film I chose while the tooth fairy jumped on my tooth to loosen it! It was really fun. I didn't like the feeling of my mouth being really big though, and it upset me.
I snuggled up in the evening, and we had a pizza for dinner, even though I didn't eat much of it, and mostly ate garlic bread.
I put my tooth in the dolls house, and when I woke up in the morning though, I found a glass jar filled with pink water and flower petals, and $5! I was so happy I had to wake up Mummy and Daddy really early! They told me to go back to bed, which I didn't want to do, but when I got up I told them all about it!
I also went to Callums Party with Khia, and we ate lots of naughty food!
On Saturday, we took Daddy down to Mullaloo Beach to cut his birthday cake! Mummy and I did some surfing, and we then opened one card, which told Daddy that we were going to take him to go dolphin watching at Rockingham on Sunday! It was so exciting, and we had to get up really early! We set out on the boat at about 8.45am, and we saw dolphins almost immediately! It was excellent! We then went over to an island where they trained people to escape from submarines, and there the dolphins swam right next to the boat - it was amazing! We spent about 2 hours on the boat, and the man in charge was very funny! He even let me drive the boat too! I had lots of biscuits to keep me going. I sang Happy Birthday to Daddy so many times!
After the trip, we went to a cafe and had brunch - Mummy and Daddy had an English breakfast, and I had pancakes. It was yummy!
We got home in the afternoon, and Mummy and Daddy decided to clear the front where Grandpa Arthur cleared at Christmas. It was hard work getting all the roots out. I helped a little then rode my bike until it started raining really hard.
On Sunday, we finished clearing it, I went round to Barry and Rosalyn's and made scones, Daddy came over to fix Barry's computer, and he then got the mulch to cover the front. We were all very busy! Cloggy sat in her buggy watching. She is so close to crawling!
This week it's school holidays, and I've seen Chloe (and her family), Jack and Conor, and I have Charlie's party this weekend and we're going to see Beau and Ben at Jill's and Michael's place on Sunday! So many people to see!
Cloggy is lovely! We have so much fun together!
Lin Lin, one of Daddy's friends from England, came to visit us for a few days, and it was really funny! It was nice having them read me stories, and they gave me lots of nice toys! Thank you!
Cloggy: I am so close to crawling! Only a couple of weeks to go! I do not like it when there is a lot of noise in the house! I am such a light sleeper! I love my big sister very much, but her friends are very noisy! I just want to join in and play with them! Mummy's friends Sinead gave us a baby walker, and I can move backwards in it. Maybe I'll be moving forwards soon!
C: Our garden it looking amazing now! Everything seems to be growing so much! Still not warm enough to go in the pool, but we don't think we need our fire anymore! Summer is coming!
S: What a lovely birthday! Thank you all for your good wishes! Seeing dolphins was amazing!
Aiysha's News: Coins, Spider Book
Meals: Lamb kebabs in mint sauce, chicken wings.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
2007-09-12 Carnival! I Won!
Aiysha: I'm so excited about what I did at the Carnival!
It was held on Monday on the oval, and we had races in the morning which Mummy and Daddy came to watch - I was in Blue Faction! First we did a lot of small events, and then we had our own races against other people in other factions. I was in the same race as Lauren and Kayla, and I won it! I was so proud, and Mummy and Daddy got it on video! Because I won it, I was asked to run in the Grand Relay at 2.30. Mummy and Daddy decided to stay until then to watch me, which made it so special. I started the race against Martina, who also won her race, and she was really fast! At one point I looked across - something Mummy and Daddy told me never to do, and we ended up equal when we handed the batton to the boys. It was such an exciting race where the batton got passed to each year group at each changeover. Blue faction won it in the end, it was great, and I got 2 1st medals! When the overall results were announced, Blue Faction won the whole day for the second year running! I was so happy! It was the best day!
A couple of weeks ago, Daddy came as parent helper, and
this time he made a sun in the fruit, as we were learning about space. We also did an evening presentation for Fathers Day, and me and Daddy went round the class doing loads of activities - it was really funny!
On Fathers Day, we went to Trigg, and the waves were huge! We then went straight to Arirang Korean restaurant where we cooked our own food! It was lovely, and we also had desert - I had an ice cream, and Daddy had a fried ice cream coconut ball!
I have also watched my first few grown up films :- The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer, Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. They are all brilliant! I love them! Cloggy is Chewbacca, Daddy is Luke Skywalker, I am Darth Vader, and Mummy is the evil Emporer!
Each week I have to tell the class some news. My news
so far since my holiday: Worlds Tallest Man, Space Shuttle, Leapfrog Word Toy, Rugby World Cup, Pixel Chix.
Clara: My big sister is so funny! She makes me laugh so much, and she is so loud! I love her! I stare at her all the time! I love my solid food too! Mummy is such a good cook!
C: The plants are doing so well! All the climbers are climbing. The mango tree is sprouting, but no sign of mangoes yet. Steve will be disappointed.
S: Cut down all the dead palms ready for the summer, and cleaned the pool cover! All set for swimming now! All we need is warm weather!
A couple of weeks ago, Daddy came as parent helper, and
On Fathers Day, we went to Trigg, and the waves were huge! We then went straight to Arirang Korean restaurant where we cooked our own food! It was lovely, and we also had desert - I had an ice cream, and Daddy had a fried ice cream coconut ball!
I have also watched my first few grown up films :- The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer, Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. They are all brilliant! I love them! Cloggy is Chewbacca, Daddy is Luke Skywalker, I am Darth Vader, and Mummy is the evil Emporer!
Each week I have to tell the class some news. My news
Clara: My big sister is so funny! She makes me laugh so much, and she is so loud! I love her! I stare at her all the time! I love my solid food too! Mummy is such a good cook!
C: The plants are doing so well! All the climbers are climbing. The mango tree is sprouting, but no sign of mangoes yet. Steve will be disappointed.
S: Cut down all the dead palms ready for the summer, and cleaned the pool cover! All set for swimming now! All we need is warm weather!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
2007-08-21 Cloggy Is Sitting Up!
Aiysha: I've been so busy over the past couple of weeks, I haven't even had time to write my blog! Where shall I start...
Well, Jack and Connor stayed the night for the first time on Friday! It was really funny! Daddy chased us, we all watched Mutant Ninja Turtles, but I didn't really like it. Jack and I went with Daddy to get pizza's, and we played rock, paper, scissors at Pizza Hut - Jack won! Jack missed his Mummy though, but my Mummy made him feel good. Connor broke a lot of my things, but I didn't mind. He was really sweet to Cloggy, and he's a funny one!
On Saturday morning, Daddy took me to his rock climbing event, which was so much fun! I went on the ropes, and climbed up all the way to the roof! I made some friends too - Naomi, who was older, was my best friend. We also had pizzas again! When we got home, it was really warm, and it felt like summer! We sat on the lawn for some cakes, and suddenly, thousands of ants started coming out of the floor of our house and flew into the air - it was amazing, and I had never seen anything like that before! I got my camera and took some pictures! Mummy and Daddy's dishwasher broke, so we had to go to Good Guys to look for a new one - I sat and watched Nemo, and looked after Cloggy. After that, we went to Hillary's, fed Cloggy on the pier, and ordered fish and chips - it was lovely!
On Sunday, it was rainy :-) Daddy took me to register for summer cricket - I get to play in the same team as Charlie, and Daddy also is playing! It will be funny! It starts at the end of October. After lunch we went to Trigg Cafe, and had cakes and biscuits, and watched the waves. We thought we would have a walk in the wild rain, and me and Daddy raced each other. I have my carnival race in September, so it was really good practice, and funny splashing in all the puddles! On the way back, there was a rainbow above Bunnings, and we all thought of Grandpa Arthur, and how he would have loved to see that...
At gym last week, they had assessments, and I got my first purple award! I was so happy! I passed all my tests - the rocking roll, the motorcycle dismounts, and lots of other things! Mummy and Daddy were so proud, and I gave them a show when I got home!
I also did a talk on meteors to PP1 - it was really interesting!
The big news is that Cloggy has been sitting up on her own for about a week - she's really good at it, and needs no support at all! Very soon she will be able to chase me around the house! It's going to be funny!
Last week, Kayla cam over for a play, and we dressed up like princesses - it was really fun, and Daddy chased us around the house. I made cakes with her too. She loved them!
We took Cloggy out for her first bike ride to Neil Hawkins Park - Daddy spent Sunday morning fixing the seat to Mummy's bike, then we were away! It was so funny! The helmet was a little big for her, but she was fine. The lake is so full, and we saw the turtles back again.
Cloggy: I can sit on my own! Yippee! Now for the crawling, and walking...I love riding Mummy's bike too! Shame I cannot see much because of my helmet :-(
C: How can I cope without a dishwasher!? I can't do it!
S: When will summer arrive?
Favourite Baby: Great Grandma's knitted baby
Meals: Curry, Lamb Casserole, Fish and Chips, Burgers
Thursday, August 09, 2007
2007-08-09 My Tooth!
Aiysha: I went to the school dentist this week, and she noticed that my front tooth was a slightly different colour! She asked if I had ever banged it, and Mummy told her that when I was in Sydney when I was 2 and a half, a boy pushed me into a wall. I was a little upset, but then the dentist told me that other than that, my teeth were excellent!
We went for a walk on Mullaloo last weekend, and there were some huge cliffs! I climbed up, and collapsed down! It was so funny! Cloggy fell asleep in the Elephant! I miss the beach, and I really want to go surfing soon! Mummy and Daddy said we might even get me a new wetsuit!
We also did a few garage sales, and I spent some of my own money - I bought Cloggy a present - a beautiful bell!
I also saw the Simpsons movie with Daddy, and I thought it was really funny! We went to Hungry Jacks near the end of the film because I was hungry and tired. I really enjoyed it though, and I got a little toy of Maggie when I went to Hungry Jacks!
Cloggy: I love asparagus, cauliflower
, and apples! I also did a poo in tha bath when big sister and Jodie were watching! Ha ha, they were a bit shocked!
C: I've planted some lovely plants, and we've put the trelis' up now - perfect for the summer. Garage sales are really helping us build up our garden furniture!
S: Wayne left work today for good. A sad day :-(
Meals: Burnt Rogan Josh, Chicken Wings, Mousakka.
We went for a walk on Mullaloo last weekend, and there were some huge cliffs! I climbed up, and collapsed down! It was so funny! Cloggy fell asleep in the Elephant! I miss the beach, and I really want to go surfing soon! Mummy and Daddy said we might even get me a new wetsuit!
We also did a few garage sales, and I spent some of my own money - I bought Cloggy a present - a beautiful bell!
I also saw the Simpsons movie with Daddy, and I thought it was really funny! We went to Hungry Jacks near the end of the film because I was hungry and tired. I really enjoyed it though, and I got a little toy of Maggie when I went to Hungry Jacks!
Cloggy: I love asparagus, cauliflower
C: I've planted some lovely plants, and we've put the trelis' up now - perfect for the summer. Garage sales are really helping us build up our garden furniture!
S: Wayne left work today for good. A sad day :-(
Meals: Burnt Rogan Josh, Chicken Wings, Mousakka.
Friday, July 27, 2007
2007-07-27 My Australia Party!
Aiysha: I had my Australia birthday party last Saturday, and it was so fun! All the girls in my PP1 class came, apart from Portia, and a couple from PP2. Mummy organised a makeup party, and I helped her make the cakes and snacks ready for my party. It was really thundery, and everyone had to run into our house! It was funny! Lucky my party was inside. We got to do our nails, our hair (which we had to do outside), play games, and dance. We all had our picture taken too, and everyone was allowed to take the picture home with them at the end! It was the best party ever! I was so excited all day, that I wanted to stay up with Mummy and Daddy all night talking about it!
Last week, I also had dinner at Jasmine's, played with Jack, Charlie and Florry, and Jasmine also cam over to play at ours.
I also stated school this week, and I got to read my scrapbook to everyone over 2 days - I was so pleased! A lot of people thought Miles was wearing an Australian flag, but actually Mummy made him a shirt out of a British flag.
I also had my first gym class on Wednesday, and it was the best! I was so excited! We did all sorts of exercise, and Mummy and Cloggy were so proud.
On Thursday however, I did a handstand in the classroom, and accidentally kicked someone in the head - and I was put straight in the thinking chair! I was sooooo upset about it, as I have never been put there, and I thought it was only for naughty people. I cried a lot, and when Mummy picked me up and we talked about school, I broke down when I told her about the thinking chair. I was so sad, and Mummy had to phone the school because she couldn't understand why I was being naughty, as it was only an accident. Mummy promised not to tell anyone, not even Daddy.
Clara: My big sister lifts me everywhere, has baths with me, plays with me, pats my back when I am coughing, covers me when I am cold, makes sure I am lying on a cloth so I don't get everywhere dirty, reads me stories, and makes me laugh! She is wonderful, and I love her so much!
C: Cloggy was off the chart for her height (70cm) - she's gonna be tall! And she is also at the top for her weight (8.2kg)! Sometimes we forget she is only 5 months old.
S: More wood chopping this weekend - rather wet and cold here, but quite spectacular weather! Pretty similar to England!
Meals: Sweet Chilli Sauce Chicken, Chop Chop, Anchovy and Olive Spaghetti
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