Aiysha: It has been such a fun holiday with Dave here! He was here for 12 days, and we did soooo much! He left today, and I cried, and we were all sad. I could tell Cloggy was sad, even though she was racing around the house with a smile on her face. I said to Daddy that I had such fun, especially playing the 'Yes No' game.
Last week it was so exciting to come home to find him here, and I played with him and talked so much with him! He came to watch my cricket practice, played Ludo with me, helped me draw and colour, and read stories with me. We went to Fremantle for lunch, and I had no idea that Daddy and Dave were going to take me Ice Skating because I had such a good report from school! At first I was a bit careful, but very soon I was going around on my own and even played some of the games! Dave and Naomi (my climbing friend) looked after me, and it was brilliant! Santa even turned up at the end, and I got to sit on his lap, have my picture taken, and got a present! What a day! Mummy also made Dave a birthday cake, which we all thought was lovely! Well done Mummy!
We had a party at Little Muppets, and I got to sit next to Cloggy to eat! It was funny! I got a present from Santa - a piggy bank which I can lock - but Cloggy cried when she sat on Santa's lap. There was a bouncy castle, and lots of food which was not good for me! I loved it! Cloggy waves all the time now to people - she is so clever!
Dave made me laugh so much because Daddy gave him some sweets for his birthday from me, and they were so sour! When he put one in his mouth, he made such a funny face! When I tried one, I did too!
We took turns in choosing our music in the car - I always chose Daddy's songs, which annoyed Dave, and made me laugh...tee hee.
This week we went to Matilda Bay twice. On Friday, Uncle Dave accidentally locked the keys in the car, and we had no way to get home! We tried to ring a taxi, but none would come. So Daddy had to phone his friend James, and he had to go to our house, let himself in, and get our keys, and drive down with them! We were all very grateful, and he even found my thongs on the beach! What a hero! Dave bought him some wine to thank him...
Dave also made dinner a few times for us, which was lovely! I really enjoyed his beef!
On Saturday, we made sure Dave did not touch any keys, and after windsurfing we went for cakes at the cafe, and I played with some little children, and looked after them when they went on the pier - it was fun!
Playing cricket in the garden was fun, and when we went in our pool on Sunday, Chloe visited, and came in too! Daddy kept splashing us, and Uncle Dave joined in too! It was very funny! I also got stung by a bee when Daddy said I could help it out of the water - silly Daddy! Mummy told him off many times...and Uncle Dave joined in...
We opened our presents with Dave after lunch - he got me so much - pen tops, rubbers, a music player, a piggy torch which needs no batteries, and sellotape with pretty pictures on it! He got Cloggy a real piggy bank, and Mummy some lovely washing stuff. Daddy also got a music player, and an origami kit, so I hope he will make me some paper animals! We gave him a CD, a picture of us in our Christmas outfits at the pool, and a new Quicksilver rashie! He was very pleased with that!
Dave and Daddy went windsurfing again for the last time, and Daddy really hurt his leg.
Last night I went out at 7pm with Isabella and her grandparents for dinner - it was so late! Dave sat with me outside as I waited for her, and we had a good talk. I had a lovely time, and I got back at 9.30pm. I was very tired. I had such a nice time though.
Thanks you Dave for coming! I am so looking forward to beating you at the 'Yes No' game! I'm going to miss you!
Cloggy: I love Uncle Dave. He's a funny man. He gave me lots of kisses, and I look forward to the photos he took of me! I love waving to people now. Standing is so easy for me now, I hope to be walking before my birthday! I love playing with balls too, and pretending I'm bouncing them!
C: Dave's visit went so quickly! We were very busy all the time trying to fit everything in!
S: We had such a laugh with Dave! We did so well on GOW2, and everyday we did something wicked! What a packed holiday. Much too short though! He was very pleased with his windsurfing and his wetsuit, although he left his rashie he got for Christmas behind! Ruprect! We had an amazing Christmas dinner last night - crab, garlic shrimps, rice, beansprouts, and chocolate waffle surprise!
We did spoil ourselves, with coffee, cakes, dried pork, mangos, pancakes, sweets, etc. But we earned it...
GOW2 checkpoint: Underworld, with Icarus wings. L1 + XXX, Madusa head, hammer, Joust pole
Thanks for coming, and looking forward to your next visit!
Full Itinery
Wednesday- Dave arrives, moon noodles
Thursday - Lunch at Korean, watch Oldboy, chicken wings, touch rugby - only 6 players, very tough, we drew 7-7
Friday -Finish Oldboy, cricket catching practice
Saturday - Cricket - all groups together, wetsuit, shopping
Sunday - Fremantle lunch, Ice skating, Uncle Dave's Birthday!
Monday - Tennis, wetsuit bodyboarding at Trigg - very windy
Tuesday - Bibulmen Track, blister
Wednesday - Bodyboarding, but too tame at Trigg, tennis, windsurfing in afternoon, pick up girls from Muppets party
Thursday - Work, touch rugby win easy
Friday - Dave brought Aiysha into town, lunch, windsurfing - very blustery, keys in car - James, yes no game
Saturday - Windsurfing - softer wind, cakes, Aiysha looking after kids at Matilda Bay, shopping, market
Sunday - Windsurfing - broken leg, Aiysha dinner with Isabella, Cricket in garden, swimming lesson, pool + Chloe, christmas dinner, GOW, presents, fish market
Monday - Dave leaves
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