Aiysha: I cannot believe Mummy and Daddy have been helpers two weeks in a row! I am so happy! Mummy came in with Danielle's Mum, and we had such a funny time! I know Mummy is working so hard on her course, but it is so nice she finds time to come in to my class! She deserves a smiley!
A couple of weeks ago, Mummy suggested we went to Cockman House on Ocean Reef Road. It was really interesting and old, and no one was there apart from the people who told us all the history! The house was very strange, and had baths and toilets outside! They were also growing lots of vegetables outside, and we went to look at them! Mummy and Daddy had a bet about a corgette, marrow or a pumpkin. Daddy was right about it being a pumpkin.
We also went for a country walk after, and Daddy and I ended up throwing Marri seeds at each other! That was funny!
Clara got a book about a Bear Hunt, and after we read it about 3 times, she knew it and could read it herself! She is a very clever girl!
Clogger: I love the Bear Hunt book! I read it to Daddy too when he came in from work! I have had a few sulks recently, but whenever I do, I always smile. I must not smile, otherwise the others will not take me seriously!
C: I loved Cockman House! So peaceful and old.
S: Winter is upon us, and fire is a begging...