Monday, February 07, 2011

2011-02-07 My First Day At Kindy!

Aiysha: We had a maths competition in class - the seven times table, and I won it! Wahoo! I also got selected to go to CHAMP - don't quite know what it is yet, but can't wait!

I went to Hanna Banana's for a sleep over and her party at Challenge Stadium, and it was so much fun! We had a night swim, and got to bed really late. I was soooo tired when I got home and went to be really early.

I finished watching Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, and I loved it. Wasn't scared that much, which was good.

Mummy took us for an ice cream at Hillary's without Daddy, so daddy was a bit sad. We also went to see Tangled without Daddy, which he was also sad about. Poor Daddy.

We have started playing tennis again, and I love it! Daddy was pretty proud of me, and I can't wait to play again!

I did really well on my skills list for the holiday - we are going to count them up, and we'll see what I get! I hope I get to boss Daddy around!

Clara: I had my first day at Kindy, and I was so excited. Mummy said I looked so grown up, and took loads of pictures of me. I am feeling like I am growing up.

On the second day, a boy tried to push me off the swing, but I would not move, and he got in trouble. He he.

C: Mum and Dad arrive soon! I can't wait! I am so excited!

S: Still working on my gybing! Not doing too well though. I accidentally hit a girl in the face with my mast. Not very impressive.

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