Monday, May 12, 2014

2014-03-02 Penguin Island

Clara: Penguin Island was so cool! We drove to the Jetty, and had lovely fish and chips. We then went on a boat to  the island. Some people actually walked all the way along the sand bar, but Mummy said that was a bit dangerous, and some people have got into trouble doing that and had to be rescued. It was pretty crowded, but we managed to see an additional show, and the penguins were sooooo cute! I loved them!

Paish and I then played down by the sea, and we got the snorkel out. Mummy and Daddy walked to the top of the viewpoint while Aiysha and I stayed on the beach. It was fun!

Aiysha: I watched level 6 gym comp - can't wait until I start doing my comps again!

C: Lovely Penguin Island!

S: Lovely fish and chips :-)

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