Monday, May 12, 2014

2014-03-17 Grandma Sik and Grandpa Brian

Grandma Sik and Grandad Brian came to visit us for 2 weeks from Hong Kong. The first week they were here they did loads of stuff! They went to watch Super Rugby, which was our Chirstmas present to them and the Force beat the Rebels - 32-7. They loved it. We went to watch Frozen - we loved it. They went on lots of walks too.

We also went to Botanical Golf and had the funniest game of golf ever! even Grandad was laughing all the way round!

Daddy then took Grandad and Grandma up to Port Denison where they stayed in a Wari house right next to the coast, which was lovely. They stopped at a dodgy cafe on the way up, but when they got there it was a lovely small town. They went beach walks, watched storms coming in, walked along the jetty, made a few visits to cafe's and watched a few movies in the evening. They even went to drive up to Geraldton to hunt down one of Dave's clients who decided never to pay their supplier. They had coffee next door to their shop, as it was closed. No surprise there, and they texted Dave.

On the way back down, they went to the Pinnacles, which were quite amazing, and they even disturbed a bat that was hiding in one of the rocks! They also decided to stop in Jurien Bay for some lunch before getting back.

It was lots of fun having them around.

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