Sunday, October 22, 2017

2017-09-28 (Thursday) - The Peninsula!

Woke at 7am, had usual breakfast - nothing but Laksa now! i cannot believe I have been converted so easily!

Taxi to a remote village to catch a boat at an amazing pier. The wildlife here is so abundant - so many crabs, beetles, bud skippers, jellyfish - everywhere.

Met Matt, and had the most serene boat ride in the calmest waters - almost creepy. Arrived at our remote stay, which was just some permanent tents and huts built in the middle of the jungle. Very few facilities, and just a rocky beach. Met Sophie, Lola (22 months) and Callie who would follow us everywhere we went.

Clara and I settled into “First Class” and Mummy and Paish went into the tent. Had a breakfast (toast, fruit salad, amazing local fruit jams - sauerwoap, passionfruit, ginger) before we went down to the beach, and there was a huge downpour! We decided to do some circuit training - we used rocks as weights, sit-ups, pushups, triceps, burps with the ball, and the crab race which I lost, but was really funny!

We then decided to go for a walk across the rocks to the next beach - man, we did the wrong strategy! We tried to walk along the shoreline, and it took over 1.5 hours! We finally go there, but had to leave within 15 minutes otherwise it would get dark. It was an amazing beach though - no one there, so remote, so calm, so warm! Have to make the most of this, as it may be the last time we get to such a deserted island! We decided to head back higher up the beach using bigger rocks, and we got back in 40 minutes - much easier! We saw a huge dead turtle which was such a shame - seemed very recent. The walk was great fun.

Had a dip when we got back, then dinner - satay chicken, rice and salad. Lovely! We reconvened in “First Class”, had a game and the rest of our Kaka Lepis and fruit! So nice!

Rox and I shared - funny! She kept on kneeing me!

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